贝多芬:第五 第七交响曲 维也纳爱乐乐团 Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7 BDA《BDMV 7.47G》

英文片名:Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7
中文片名:蓝光纯音乐 (1974)
文件大小:7.48 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨:LPCM 2.0
TrueHD 2.0

Title : Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7
Year: 1974
Genre : Classical
Conductor : Carlos Kleiber
Artist : Wiener Philharmoniker


As recommendable an album as anyone could wish, Carlos Kleiber's performances with the Vienna Philharmonic of Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 , and the Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92 , are classics that should always be within reach, and this disc should be passed along to friends as the single best pairing of these two pieces. Other performances of these symphonies are absolutely essential to know, and recordings by many great conductors and orchestras certainly compete with this Deutsche Grammophon album for listeners' affections. But for sheer excitement, cogent direction, and expressive playing, none is more convincing. Kleiber was highly esteemed for his thorough musicianship, and his clarity of interpretation and communication skills with musicians resulted in performances that were compelling in their power and fascinating for their faithfulness to details in the score. If the hallmarks of great performances are the way they grab onto the listener through their energy and sustain interest for their finer points, no matter how familiar the pieces are, then these riveting and utterly lucid readings of Beethoven's Fifth and Seventh are great indeed. Even purists who insist on period style in their Beethoven must concede honors to Kleiber for his accuracy and attention to repeats, for following the indicated instrumentation, and for careful application of all the dynamics. In depth of musicality, technical polish, and all matters of instrumentation except for the size of the orchestra, these recordings surpass many historically informed performances and make some of them seem pedantic and empty in comparison. Add to these accumulated merits DG's scrupulous engineering and masterful, incredible ADD sound, and this unassailable disc wins in any match-up.

Tracklist :
Symphony No.5 in C minor, Op.67
1. 1 . Allegro con brio 7:22
2 . 2 . Andante con moto 10:00
3 . 3 . Allegro 5:09
4 . 4 . Allegro 10:51

Symphony No.7 in A, Op.92
5 . 1 . Poco sostenuto - Vivace 13:36
6. 2 . Allegretto 8:09
7. 3 . Presto - Assai meno presto 8:15
8. 4 . Allegro con brio 8:36

Issued: USA | Universal Music
Duration: 1:12:08

下载价格10 金币


  1. 感谢分享
    RanchelWood 2021-10-04 0
  2. 谢谢楼主分享
    初一998181 2021-10-04 0
  3. 感谢分享
    daweidady 2021-10-09 0
  4. 就是喜欢|很简单|就一个|资源丰富|强力推荐。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    老牛吃嫩草 2021-10-12 0
  5. 謝謝樓主分享
    BunSyo 2021-10-12 0
  6. 高雅音乐 非常棒吶
    darcyhifi 2021-10-14 0
  7. 很好很强大 谢谢楼主
    ly001 2021-10-15 0
  8. !感谢分享666
    suo888888 2021-10-15 0
  9. 好资源,好片,谢楼主分享
    chenshi555 2021-10-18 0
  10. 五 第七交响曲 维也纳爱乐乐团 Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphonies No.5 & 7 BDA《BDMV 7.47
    tvbs56 2021-10-25 0
  11. 感谢楼主
    随缘yx806 2021-10-25 0
  12. 好碟,谢
    lyx4K 2021-11-05 0
  13. 谢谢分享
    随缘yx806 2021-11-12 0
  14. 经典之作
    细钊KENNY 2021-11-12 0
  15. 贝多芬:第五 第七交响曲
    驰姐持戒 2021-11-15 0
  16. dable an album as anyone
    驰姐持戒 2021-11-15 0
  17. 这个好,刚好买了个5.1回音壁,下来试试。感谢。
    vst0099 2021-11-26 0
  18. 感谢楼主分享!!!
    RanchelWood 2021-11-28 0
  19. 谢谢分享!
    友烧友2 2021-12-03 0
  20. 谢谢分享
    轩辕剑7 2021-12-05 0
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