迈克尔.杰克逊 月球漫步者 Michael Jackson Moonwalker 1988《Remux MKV 17.3G》

Remux MKV方便电视机用户播放。本站有蓝光版本:迈克尔·杰克逊 Michael Jackson 月球漫步者 93分钟完整绝对珍藏《BDMV 18.9G》:https://www.lgych.com/680.html

【原 片 名】Michael Jackson - Moonwalker
【中 文 名】迈克尔杰克逊 -月球漫步
【MPAA级别】Finland:K-12 / Sweden:11 / UK:PG
【国  家】美国
【类  别】音乐
【导  演】Jerry Kramer
Jim Blashfield
【主  演】Michael Jackson .... Himself/Michael
伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)
乔·派西(Joe Pesci)
迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)
Dante Basco(Dante Basco)
Dion Basco(Dion Basco)
Sean Lennon(Sean Lennon)
Brandon Quintin Adams(Brandon Quintin Adams)
Jeff Adkins(Jeff Adkins)
Patrick Alan(Patrick Alan)
恩基·比拉 (Enki Bilal)
Salaetin Bilal(Salaetin Bilal)
Nikki Cox(Nikki Cox)
D·J· Dellos(D·J· Dellos)

【影片长度】93 Mins

You Know his music.You've seen his moves.Now see Michael Jackson as you've never seen him before in Moonwalker,a magical,musical,feature-length adventure that takes you to the moon and back with the most well-known entertainer on the planet!

A true collector's treasure,Moonwalker combines Michael Jackson's greatest videos with rare clips from his early days in the jackson 5 and live concert and Grammy performances.Also included is a wild adventure film written by Michael Jackson himself,allowing a rare and unique glimpse into the creative mind of this musical genius.Look for cameo appearances by Joe Pesci,Mick Jagger,Sean Lennon,Elizabeth Taylor and others!


下载价格10 金币


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