Justice - IRIS: A Space Opera by Justice 2019《BDMV 28.8G》

Title: IRIS: A Space Opera by Justice
Date Published: 2019-08-29
IMDb Rating: 8/10 from 285 users
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10012964/
Directors: André Chemetoff

A 60 minute film of Justice's 2017-2018 live show, recorded in an empty and invisible space without an audience, focusing exclusively on the impressive production and music. The show has been seen by millions of people around the wor

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  1. 感谢分享
    Jacky_Young 2022-02-14 0
  2. 谢谢分享
    Biggoxie 2022-02-18 0
  3. 谢谢分享
    sonicw 2022-02-25 0
  4. 谢谢楼主分享
    helenwill 2022-03-12 0
  5. 謝謝分享
    风云岁月 2022-03-14 0
  6. 很好很强大 谢谢楼主分享 ~楼主辛苦!很好很强大 谢谢楼主分享 ~
    春天来了 2022-04-02 0
  7. 感谢楼主分享
    watergor 2022-04-02 0
  8. 好资源非常感谢!
    voodoo_iii 2022-04-05 0
  9. 非常精彩,感谢楼主的分享!
    zhoujianpo 2022-04-05 0
  10. 感谢分享
    voodoo_iii 2022-04-06 0
  11. 好資源非常感謝!
    55911fl3 2022-04-07 0
  12. 谢谢分享
    Ly1314520 2022-04-11 0
  13. 感谢感谢。。。?
    voodoo_iii 2022-04-15 0
  14. 多谢分享
    CSLancelot 2022-04-20 0
  15. 多谢分享
    18182628106 2022-04-21 0
  16. 很喜欢谢谢分享
    枫之小阴 2022-05-12 0
  17. 谢谢分享
    helenwill 2022-05-13 0
  18. 还不错嗯嗯
    枫之小阴 2022-05-15 0
  19. 樓主辛苦了,感謝分享!
    ifour60 2022-05-26 0
  20. 谢谢分享很喜欢
    枫之小阴 2022-05-29 0
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