Tesseract - War of Being 2023 [BDMV 23.1GB]

Genre: Progressive Metal
Quality: Blu-Ray | 1080p
Format: M2TS | 12.0Mbps
Length: 01:00:46 + 01:00:40 | 23.1Gb
Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 24.000fps
Audio 1: LPCM | 2304kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R
Audio 2: DTS-HD MA | 4321kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R
Audio 3: Dolby TrueHD Athmos | 6958kbps | 48kHz | 7.1 channels: L C R LFE Lb Rb Lss Rss
Language: English

01. Natural Disaster
02. Echoes
03. The Grey
04. Legion
05. Tender
06. War Of Being
07. Sirens
08. Burden
09. Sacrifice
10. War Of Being (Music Video) [00:10:59]
11. The Strangeland (Introduction Video) [00:09:21]
12. The Journey of Being (Documentary Film) [00:40:20]

下载价格25 金币


  1. 謝謝樓主分享
    kttsui 2023-11-11 0
  2. 金币不够,努力赚币
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  3. 謝謝樓主分享......................
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  4. 非常感谢
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  7. 多謝樓主
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  9. uu
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  10. 感谢分享,楼主辛苦
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  11. 谢谢楼主分享......................
    emodh8088 2023-11-16 0
  12. 这是个好资源
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  15. 感谢分享
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  16. 太精彩了
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    我的视频 2023-11-19 0
  18. 外国音乐不熟悉呀,看介绍像电影,哈哈,感谢分享
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